Main Instructor

PHIL120 - Introduction to Critical Thinking. The aim of this course is to offer students training in exercising critical thinking. To do so, the course takes a practice-based approach: each class focuses on the close reading of one or more papers that get analyzed in detail in order to identify and assess their argumentative structure. The papers of the topic vary from week to week and include: arguments for and against God’s existence, arguments for the incompatibility of free will with determinism, arguments for and against abortion, and others. [Summer Term 1 - 2023/2024]

Teaching Assistance

PHIL347 - Philosophy of Religion. An introductory course to the philosophy of religion. The course surveyed a variety of topics such as how to define religion, mysticism, the problem of evil, and the epistemology of theistic belief. [Instructor: Anders Kraal] [Winter Term 2 - 2023/2024]

PHIL378 - Philosophical Wisdom of Early Indian. An introductory course to the Indian philosophy. The course introduces the foundational ideas of Indian philosophical traditions from the early Vedic period up to the rise of the philosophical schools.. [Instructor: Emily Lawson] [Winter Term 2 - 2023/2024]

PHIL347 - Philosophy of Religion. An introductory course to the philosophy of religion. The course surveyed a variety of topics such as how to define religion, mysticism, the problem of evil, and the epistemology of theistic belief. [Instructor: Evan Thompson] [Winter Term 1 - 2023/2024]

PHIL371/ASIA371 - Foundations of Chinese Thought. An introductory course to Chinese philosophy. The course deals with various topics in the thought of central figures in Warring States Chinese thought, such as Confucious, Laozi, Mozi, Mencius, and Zhuangzi. The course also discusses a variety of methodological issues in the cross-cultural study of philosophy and religion. [Instructor: Edward Slingerland] [Winter term 1 - 2023/2024]

PHIL347 - Philosophy of Religion. An introductory course to the philosophy of religion. The course surveyed a variety of arguments for and against the existence of God in the contemporary philosophy of religion [Instructor: Anders Kraal] [Summer Term 1 - 2022/2023]

PHIL347 - Philosophy of Religion. An introductory course to the philosophy of religion. The course surveyed a variety of arguments for and against the existence of God in the contemporary philosophy of religion [Instructor: Anders Kraal] [Winter Term 2 - 2022/2023]

PHIL347 - Philosophy of Religion. An introductory course to the philosophy of religion. The course surveyed a variety of topics such as how to define religion, mysticism, the problem of evil, and the epistemology of theistic belief. [Instructor: Evan Thompson] [Winter Term 1 - 2022/2023]

PHIL101 - Introduction to Philosophy. An introductory course for first-year students. The course introduced the thought of some of the most important figures in the history of Western Philosophy, with a special focus on Descartes and Hume. [Instructor: Anders Kraal] [Summer Term 1 - 2021/2022]

PHIL340 - Introduction to Metaphysics. An introduction to some of the central topics in contemporary metaphysics: mereology, modality, natural kinds, social kinds, and free will. [Instructor: Alexandre Duval] [Winter Term 2 - 2021/2022]

PHIL340 - Introduction to Metaphysics. An introduction to metaphysics. The course started with a discussion of some questions in meta-ontology through works by Russell, Routley, Quine, and others to turn its focus on Free Will in the second half. [Instructor: Anders Kraal] [Winter Term 1 - 2021/2022]

PHIL371/ASIA371 - Foundations of Chinese Thought. An introductory course to Chinese philosophy. The course deals with various topics in the thought of central figures in Warring States Chinese thought, such as Confucious, Laozi, Mozi, Mencius, and Zhuangzi. The course also discusses a variety of methodological issues in the cross-cultural study of philosophy and religion. [Instructor: Edward Slingerland] [Winter term 2 - 2022/2023]

Guest Lectures

  • 01/24/2024 - “Consciousness and the Self in the Upanishads”

  • 06/10/2022 - “Plantinga on Warrant and Christian Belief“

  • 20/06/2022 - “Introduction to Analytic Philosophy“

  • 07/04/2022 - “Free Will (Part II)“

  • 05/04/2022 - “Free Will (Part I)“

  • 15/03/2022 - “Social Ontology“

  • 08/03/2022 - “Natural Kinds“

  • 03/02/2022 - “Mereology“

  • 25/11/2021 - “Aesthetic Experience in Abhinavagupta”